Motor vehicle accident rehab
If you have been involved in a car accident your body has sustained trauma. Sometimes symptoms don’t surface for a few days or weeks, but eventually you may have problems. Post auto accident problems may include symptoms in your head, neck, back or shoulders. We will do an assessment of your alignment and your movement and work to restore your body to its pre-injury state. The sooner you address these problems the better. The unresolved results of trauma can include arthritic changes in the spine leading to chronic pain and dysfunction.
What They Say
“I stagger into the clinic with a Frankenstein gait and in extreme pain. I leave the clinic an hour later walking like a normal pain-free human being. Each visit is a small miracle. I’ve had over a dozen physical therapists since my auto accident, and it is only at Hands On Physical Therapy that I have finally found the appropriate care for my injured body”