Knee and Hip Pain or Injury
Common hip pathologies treated at this clinic include bursitis, tendonitis and hip joint restriction. We use gentle joint mobilization techniques to restore the flexibility of the hip joint capsule. Bursitis and tendonitis are treated by minimizing the negative biomechanical stresses around the area so it can heal. In addition, strengthening and stretching exercises are introduced to complete the rehab process.
Knee problems often result from injury, overuse or biomechanical problems. The knee is trapped between the hip the foot with no escape! Sometimes the knee problem is actually a hip or foot problem. We are here to evaluate and treat any of these issues that could adversely affect your knee.
What They Say
“I play a lot of tennis and had been suffering from pain in my left knee for years. I went to Hands On PT with the hope that they could help me manage the pain and build back some flexibility in that knee. The results far exceeded my expectations. After roughly nine weeks, with the use of specific stretches, strength-building exercises and some electrotherapy, prescribed by Marisa, (the best), the pain lifted, and I regained full flexibility. My knee and my tennis are as good as new. The Hands On staff are very professional and friendly. I highly recommend them to achieve long-term results. ”